The virial stress is commonly used to find the macroscopic (continuum)
stress in molecular dynamics computations. The macroscopic stress
tensor in a macroscopically small, but microscopically large, volume
is typically taken to be:
This stress was found by Irving & Kirkwood (1950) for the ensemble-averaged equations of hydrodynamics, though they did not write down the local volume-averaged version above. The version that will be adopted here was derived by Cormier et al. (2001), based on the work of Lutsko (1988). Similar expressions have been derived by earlier authors, for example based on the virial of Clausius (1870).
Recently Zhou (2003
) has cast doubt on the validity of the
first, dynamical, term in the virial formula since the desired Cauchy
stress is supposed to represent mechanical forces only. In this paper
we will examine the proper stress from the most basic ideas, in order
to determine the physical meaning of both terms unambiguously.
We will be concentrating on the molecular dynamics simulation of a solid. We assume the solid is at rest on the macroscopic scale, so that the average velocity vanishes, and that the solid is homogeneous on all but the microscopic level.
Figure 1 shows a direct attempt to evaluate the stress on a
by finding the force exerted on the set
of atoms
by the set
. For convenience, we have
taken the
-axis normal to the surface
, which extends
in the other two directions.
We assume that while the surface is macroscopically small, it extends over a large enough microscopic area that microscopic variations are averaged away; (compare Nakane 2000). In addition we assume it is large enough compared to the molecular interaction distance (sketched as grey) that edge effects on the computed net force are negligible. By its very definition, our macroscopic stress becomes:
Of course, to reduce random fluctuations, in addition to averaging
over the spatial intervals
, one might want to
average further over a macroscopically small time interval around the
desired time of the stress. However, a purely spatial average tends to
be more convenient in a time-marching computation, and one expects the
ergodic assumption to be valid that averaging short scale processes
over time can be simulated by averaging different stages of those
processes over space.
In section 3, it will be seen that the sum of forces
(1.2) is directly evaluated using the second term in the
virial sum (1.1), begging the question what the first term is
doing. Certainly, as Zhou (2003
) very correctly explains,
if the sets
are Lagrangian sets, (i.e. they contain the
same atoms at different times,) the sum of forces (1.2)
is all there is; absolutely no additional dynamical terms should be