The derivation of the previous section, though giving the most direct
evaluation of the stress, is too constraining in practice. While in a
crystal structure it may be possible to define special planes
that properly separate Lagrangian sets, for arbitrary solids and
arbitrary planes at least some atoms will be close to the plane
and heat motion will push them periodically across the plane. Note
that from here on, set
stands more precisely for the Lagrangian
set of atoms whose nominal position is in region
, below
Consider the example situation sketched in figure 2, in
which a molecule from set
crosses the plane
into the region
, bounces off the atoms there, and returns to region
. The
forces that bounce atom
are clearly physical forces exerted
by atoms in set
on an atom in set
. They should be included in
our stress force: they add to the changes of momentum of Lagrangian
. Alternately, they add to the forces that must be exerted on
elsewhere to keep it at rest. Yet our sum of forces
(1.2) completely ignores these forces as soon as the atom
temporarily crosses the plane
So, to get the proper sum of the physical forces of the set
on the set
, the sum of forces (1.2) has to be augmented
by forces on atoms
that are temporarily on the other side of the
plane. To actually track atoms through the plane and back is of
course very inconvenient, especially in a purely spatial average, and
the standard trick is to instead substract the momentum of the atom
when it leaves and add the new momentum back when it returns
through the plane. The net effect is the same as including the
integrated force on atom
while it was at the other side.
Note that the atoms are not normally billiard balls as suggested
above, and atom
will probably be pulled back by its fellow atoms
as well as bounced back by the atoms in
. Fortunately, due
to Newton's third law, the part of the momentum change of atom
to its fellows in
exactly cancels falsely counting the reaction
forces by
on its fellows as forces exerted by set
on set
The same story holds in reverse for atoms
wandering into region
Thus, to get the correct stress, we need to add the net momentum flux
of atoms through the surface
to the sum of the forces
(1.2). This dynamical term is not an artificial addition, but
represents actual mechanical forces of the Lagrangian set
the set
that are not correctly accounted for in the sum
(1.2). (Compare Todd et al. 1995).
The above seems to be the key point missed by Zhou, who assumes the
force term in the virial stress to be the correct evaluation of the
forces and the dynamical term to be an addition (which cannot be zero
since it involves squares.) In fact, as seen in the next section, the
first term in the virial stress is exactly the correction for the
physical forces on cross-overs missed by the force sum (1.2).
This invalidates the central point made by Zhou; for example, in his
abstract: ``The virial stress is not a measure for mechanical force
between material points and cannot be regarded as a measure for
mechanical stress in any sense.'' The discussion above shows that it
does describe mechanical force, with the first dynamical term
describing the mechanical force when atom
is at the other
side of plane
, and the second force term describing the part
when it is not.