![Curriculum vitae](_derived/curriculum%20vitae.htm_cmp_network010_vbtn_p.gif)
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Georgia Institute of
Technology Atlanta, GA
Doctorates in Philosophy in Chemical
Engineering, 2000. (Towards A Comprehensive Kinetic Model for Step-Growth
Polymerization). Minor: Dynamic Modeling.
Masters in Science in Chemical Engineering, 1996. (Kinetics and Evolution
of Primary Structure in Step-Growth Polymerization: Analysis of Silica
Sol-Gel Systems). Concentration: Stochastic Processes.
Florida State
University Tallahassee, FL
Masters of Business
Administration, 2000. (Modeling the US-Canada Foreign Exchange Rate using
Neural Networks). Concentration: Finance and Financial Modeling.
Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Scientific Baccalaureate in
Chemical Engineering in 1992. (Egger Plan USA). Concentration: Modeling
and Psychology.
Professional Experience:
Florida Agriculture &
Mechanical University Tallahassee, FL
Fall 2004. Assistant Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.
Fall 2002 – present. Director for the Environmental and
Materials Technologies Laboratory.
Fall 2003-Summer 2004. Associate Director for the Office of
Technology Transfer, Licensing and Commercialization.
Fall 2003-Summer 2004. Senior Research Associate for the
Undergraduate Research Center for Cutting Edge Technologies.
Summer 2002-Summer 2003. Program Area Coordinator in
Biological and Agricultural Systems Engineering.
Fall 2002-Summer 2003. Director and designer of C.A.R.E. -
Course Awareness and Research Excellence Program (a retention program for
undergraduate students).
Business, Information and Technology
Solutions, LLC Tallahassee, FL
1996-2003. Partner providing consulting advice to
start-ups and small businesses.
Boston Consulting Group
Atlanta, GA
2000-2001. Strategic Management
Florida State
Tallahassee, FL
Spring 2000. Instructor in the Department of Information and
Management Science.
Summer and Fall 1999. Research Assistant.
Rohm and Haas Company Croydon,
1997-1999. Senior Polymer Research Process Engineering for
the Polymer Process Research Department.
1998-1999. Team Leader for Adhesive Business Unit Best
Practices Taskforce.
Clark Atlanta
University Atlanta, GA
Summer 1997. Research Scientist for the
Polymer Processing Research Laboratory, High Performance Polymer and
Composite Center.
Morehouse College
Atlanta, GA
Spring 1997. Instructor of the
Engineering Program in the Physics Department.
Center for the Advancement of
Technology and Educational Resources St. Louis, MO
1994-1996. Co-founded Vice President and
Director of Operations.
Georgia Institute of
Technology Atlanta, GA
Fall 1992-Fall 1996. Teaching
Assistantship for the School of Chemical Engineering.
Funded Projects:
Project: Establishing a Remote Sensing Center at FAMU
Source: Defense
Intelligence Agency
Amount (type):
TBD (contract)
Period: 10/2004
– 9/2005
Collaborators: Drs. Lewis Johnson
Project: Vapor Detection/ Sensor Development (PI)
Source: Defense Intelligence Agency
Amount (type): $100,000 (contract)
Period: 7/2002 - 12/2003
Collaborators: Dr. Robert Klein
Project: Use of Vortices in Decreasing Engine Emissions
Source: Boeing Corporation
Amount (type): 2 patents, technical know-how, seed grant $15,000 (donation),
corporate value of donation ~ $6.5 M
Period: 7/2003 – 7/2004
Collaborators: Dr. Robert Klein
Recent Publications:
- R. Parker, L. Nelson, Z.
Farngalo, A. Elmore, D. Johnson, "A More Environmentally and Ergonomically
Friendly Design for Surface Acoustic Wave Device Systems For Various
Environmental Factors", Proceedings from the American Society of
Agricultural Engineering National Conference 2003
- R. Parker, “An
Elementary Model of Sag Distance and Time in Thermoforming Plastic
Materials”, Proceedings of the National Organization for the Professional
Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) National
Conference 2002
- D. Hylton, T. Spence, E.
Sampson, K. Dorsey, R. Parker and T. Emyael; “An Analysis of the Heat
Exchange Phenomena in Heavy Gauge Thermoforming-Part I”, ANTEC 2000