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Curriculum vitae
Research Interest


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Welcome to this Web site!  It is home to Dr. Reginald Parker, the Director of the Material and Environmental Technologies Assessment Laboratory (METAL).  Dr. Parker's teaching interests are in the area of Engineering Management and Economics and research interests are in the area of phenomenological descriptions and simulations.

Research Interest


bulletFabrication and property estimations of a novel organic semiconductor
bulletDeveloping optimization tools for multi-scale molecular modeling
bulletUse of CFD modeling to design Vortex tubes to reduce pollution
bulletAffect of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates on Capital Budgeting of Multinational Firms

bulletEIN 3391C - Introduction to Engineering Managment
bulletEIN 5322 - Engineering and Technology Management
bulletEIN 5353 - Engineering Economics



bulletNOBCChE - faculty advisor
bulletFSU MBA Advisory Board
bulletFlorida Advanced Center for Composite Technology
bulletFSU-Industry University Cooperative Research Centers
bulletFAMU Center for Cutting Edge Technology
bulletLaser Remote Sensing Laboratory
bulletAstrophysics Particle Laboroatyr

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This site was last updated 08/27/04