Our sponsor for this project is the Center for Intelligant Systems, Controls, and Robotics (CISCOR) at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering campus. Dr. Emmanuel Collins is our chief financer and commissoned us to complete this project for the laboratory as fulfilment of our senior design requirement. Helping us throughout the development of the robot has been Dr. Oscar Chuy and Damion Dunlap of CISCOR laboratory, from whom most of the objectives of the project were defined.
Donald Hollett is the ME grant coordinator. He has been extremely helpful and cooperative in insuring we were able to secure the funds and equipment we needed to complete the project.
Dan Baxter and the employees of the FSU Physics Instument Shop were central in enabling us to finish the project on time. Their proficience, insight, and patience with our various demands resulted in a superior end product.
The instructors, Dr. Daudi Waryoba and Dr. Chiang Shih, and the TAs who's criticism throughout was constructive and wholly motivating.