We are Mechanical Engineering
Senior Design Group 1 of the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering. Our
client, Eglin Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, has
chosent us to research and develop an air bearing system upgrade for
the split-Hopkinson pressure bar experiment currently in use at their
facility. As you make your way through this site, you will find our
project requirements, up to date deliverables and presentations,
sponsor information and group member information. We hope that you
enjoy the site and learn new information regarding the split-Hopkinson
pressure bar experiment. Please feel free to contact any of us if
Pressure Bar skematic

Project Updates:
As of February 17 -
- All parts have been ordered and received
- Machining of parts is underway
- LabView programming begun
- Testing site TBD by the end of February
- Construction of prototype to be complete by the end of
- Testing to commence mid March
As of March 20 -
- All machining is
- System has been
- Bushings and bars
have been aligned
- Solenoid has been
- Trigger for
solenoid was created
- Strain
gage mounting almost complete
- Testing
site determined
- LabView
programming underway
- Final
report and operations manual underway
As of
March 27 -
- Strain gages mounted
- Bars aligned
- LabView created
- System to be tested by the end of the week
- Final report underway
- Operations Manual underway
As of March 30 -
- System tested!
- Data collected
- Continuing operations manaul
- Continuing final report
As of April 5 -
- Test data analyzed
- Continuing operations manual
- Final report in review
- Final presentation complete
- Poster in the making