Team 507

About Us:
Adrian Moya

Adrian Moya is a mechanical engineering student with a focus on CAD design and Control Systems from Miami, Florida. Always interested in learning more, he taught himself how to model using SolidWorks, how to read DATCOM data to calculate stability, and HTML to build this cool website you're viewing right now. He was the team CAD engineer modeling the initial experimental design and also worked on simulating using SolidWorks Fluids Toolbox to visualize flow around airfoils and fuselage. Adrian Moya also collaborated with team 508 to design the main wing and the control suface movement for the plane.
Noah Wright

Noah is from Santa Monica, California. He is on the Aeronautics track in Mechanical Engineering. He served as a Senator in FSU Student Government representing the College of Engineering. He plays for the FSU Men’s Club Indoor Volleyball team and is a proud member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. This engineer was in charge of ensuring the vehicle is as aerodynamic as possible. Calculations for drag force, center of pressure, and other aerodynamic properties that were conducted to help adjust the vehicle design. This helped ensure the plane can take flight and remain stable while airborne. Also used software such as XFoil to get important plots based on airfoils and wing placements.
Sasindu Pinto

Sasindu Pinto was mechanical engineering senior student in aerodynamic track. Born in Sri Lanka, He has always been interested in aerodynamics. After getting first hand-on experience in aerodynamics from SAE chapter at COE, he is the current vice-president of the organization. In this project, he worked as the aerodynamic and propulsion engineer, and the project engineer. As the aerodynamic and propulsion engineer, he was responsible for determining dimensions for the plane and evaluating performance of the plane. Furthermore, he was responsibly for pitch, roll and yaw stability calculations and determining dimensions for control surfaces and their locations. As the project engineer, he was responsible for managing and uploading team deliverables and contacting sponsors/advisors on behalf of the team.
Cameron Riley

Graduating mechanical engineering student from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) who served as the Materials and Hardware Engineer on the project. Assisted in the hardware selection, wiring of the plane and testing of the plane controls. Along with working on this rigorous project, also played 5 years of Division 1 Golf at FAMU.
Michenell Louis-Charles

A senior Mechanincal engineering student hailing from Orlando, Fl. He has always had a strong interest in aeronautics. Michenell served as the Thermal Fluids engineer/Financial Chair for team 508. In doing this he conducted wind tunnel experiments on the plane design, using his experience of working as a research assistant at Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion. He also advised us of all purchases within our budget.