STRIDe Laboratory ● (850) 410 - 6563
2525 Pottsdammer Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32310

Interesting Robots

RunBot: Simple as far as bipedal walking robots are concerned. RunBot learns from his mistakes, and tries new things on his own to improve performance. Fastest bipedal at 3.5 leg lengths per second.

Spring Flamingo: A bipedal that can handle unknown "rough" terrain. Was the fastest bipedal until RunBot.

BigDog: Very stable, even over rough terrain and obstacles. Real-world tested in a variety of terrains: very capable, adaptive.

RoboLobster: Hunts mines underwater. One of the first robots to use artificle muscle known as Nitinol. Built by a biologist, it is entirely based on an actual lobster.

Whegs Series: Inspired by the Rhex robots. Whegs can climb, jump, and/or run depending on the model. A single motor powers all of the legs, allowing it to focus all power to one leg if necessary.

Denise: Passive-Dynamic walker, also simple. Similar to RunBot.

Agile Flight Project: A bird robot, it flaps its wings to fly: no props or propellers. Talk about getting over rough terrain!

StickyBot: Gecko inspired climbing robot utilizing dry adhesion. Actually peels its toes back like a gecko.

MMALV: Combines prop flight with Whegs wheel legs. It is capable of flying to a location, landing, then “walking” to its desination.

Robostrider: Inspired by the water strider insects, this tiny robot actually glides across the water on six legs.

Mercury hunting robot: This robot fits in the palm of your hand and hunts out pollution. It is equipped with mercury sensors which help it locate polluted areas.

© STRIDe Laboratory, FAMU / FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, Florida