Graphs are important for engineers for a number of reasons:
Understanding relationships between variables.
Summarizing data.
Representing data (like in a Moody diagram).
Interpolating data.
Understanding the overal nature of data. See
for an example that you simply could not appreciate by looking at a
list of numbers.
Look for:
Intercepts. Intercepts with the -axis satisfy 0.
Intercepts with the -axis satisfy 0.
A symmetry line exists if the curve is the same at both sides of
the line. More precisely, a symmetry line acts as a mirror that
mirrors the curve into itself. The -axis is a symmetry line if
the sign of does not make a difference. The -axis is one if
the sign of does not make a difference. The 45 line is
one if swapping and does not make a difference.
Symmetry points. Every point on the curve must have match at
the exact opposite side of a symmetry point. Mathematically, if
is on the curve, then so must be . The origin is a symmetry point
if , i.e. if function is antisymmetric.
Singular points:
corners where the direction of the curve changes by an angle
less than 180,
cusps where it changes 180,
crossings where the curve crosses itself,
positions of infinite curvature,
If or any of its derivatives is infinite or not uniquely
defined, the curve has a singularity at that point.
A vertical asymptote exists if
for .
A horizontal asymptote exists if exists.
Behavior for (e.g. for some ).
An oblique asymptote exists if and exist. (Or more simply if
Extent in (the range of -values of the curve) and extent
in (the range of -values of the curve). If is a given
function of , then the -extent is the -values for which
can be computed, but the extent may not be so simple.
Minima and maxima. A global maximum/minimum is the
highest/lowest value of that can be found anywhere. You should
find both the value of the maximum/minimum and its location(s). A
local maximum/minimum is the highest/lowest value that can be found
in a small vicinity around the localtion of the local
maximum/minimum. Normally, you first find the local maxima/minima,
and then, based on consideration of the entire graph, decide
whether they are also global ones. The derivative changes sign at a
maximum/minimum if defined at both sides of the
maximum/minimum. So look for both zero derrivatives and singular
Concavity is upward if 0, downward if 0.
Inflection points are points where the concavity changes sign.