
5 Processes

5.1 Control Mass Processes

Specific heat and work:

\vphantom{q}_1q_2 = \frac{\vphantom{Q}_1Q_2}{m}
\vphantom{W}_1W_2 = m\; \vphantom{w}_1w_2

Continuity (mass conservation):

m_1 \left(+ m_{\mbox{\scriptsize added}} \right) = m_2

The first law of thermo (energy conservation):

E_2 - E_1 = \vphantom{Q}_1Q_2 - \vphantom{W}_1W_2
\qquad (E = U + m {\textstyle \frac12}{\bf V}^2? + m g Z?)


\vphantom{W}_1W_2 = \int_1^2 p \; {\rm d} V =
...1}} pV\ln\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)

In case of an ideal gas, note that $pV$ can be replaced by $mRT$.

Heat added:

\vphantom{Q}_1Q_2 =
T (S_2-S_1)

The second law for reversible adiabatic (isentropic) processes:

S_2 = S_1

The second law of thermo for general processes:

\vphantom{S}_1S_{2,\mbox{\scriptsize gen}}
= \Delta S_{\...
... -\frac{\vphantom{Q}_1Q_2}{T_{\mbox{\scriptsize surr}}} \ge 0

5.2 Rate Equations

The first law as a rate equation:

\frac{{\rm d}E}{{\rm d}t} = \dot Q - \dot W \qquad
\left... V}^2}{{\rm d}t}? +
m g \frac{{\rm d}Z}{{\rm d}t}?\right)

Work as a rate equation:

\dot W = p \dot V

For an ideal gas:

\frac{{\rm d}u}{{\rm d}t} = C_v \frac{{\rm d}T}{{\rm d}t}

For liquids and solids:

\dot Q = m C_{(p)} \frac{{\rm d}T}{{\rm d}t}

5.3 Steady State Control Volume Processes

The control volume is assumed to be steady state in all formulae below.

Specific work output and heat added (i.e., per unit mass flowing through):

w = \frac{\dot W}{\dot m} \quad q = \frac{\dot Q}{\dot m}
\dot W = \dot m w \quad \dot Q = \dot m q

In- and outflow velocities and pipe cross-sectional areas:

\dot m = \dot V/v = A {\bf V}/v \qquad A=\frac\pi 4 D^2

Continuity (mass conservation):

\sum \dot m_i = \sum \dot m_e

where $\sum$ means sum over all inflow/outflow points, if there is more than one.

The first law of thermo (energy conservation):

\dot Q +
\sum \dot m_i \left(h_i+ \frac12 {\bf V}_i^2 + ...
... m_e \left(h_e+ \frac12 {\bf V}_e^2 + g Z_e\right) +
\dot W

The kinetic energy and potential energy terms are often ignored. Devices without moving parts do not do work, $\dot W = 0$. Adiabatic devices have no heat transfer, $\dot Q = 0$.

The second law of thermo for a reversible adiabatic (isentropic) process inside a single entrance and exit CV:

s_e = s_i

The second law of thermo for a reversible isothermal process inside a single entrance and exit CV:

q = T \left(s_e - s_i\right)

The second law for a general control volume:

\sum \dot m_e s_e - \sum \dot m_i s_i
= \sum \frac{\dot ...
...riptsize gen}}
\qquad \dot S_{\mbox{\scriptsize gen}} \ge 0

Specific work done during a reversible process inside a single entrance and exit CV:

w + {\textstyle \frac12} {\bf V}_e^2? - {\textstyle \frac12} {\bf V}_i^2?
+ g Z_e? - g Z_i? = - \int_i^e v \; {\rm d} p


- \int_i^e v \; {\rm d} p =
...- p v \ln\left(\frac{p_e}{p_i}\right)

In case of an ideal gas, note that $pv$ can be replaced by $RT$.

Adiabatic turbine and compressor/pump efficiencies:

\eta_{\mbox{\scriptsize turbine}} = \frac{w}{w_s}
\eta_{\mbox{\scriptsize compressor}} = \frac{w_s}{w}

where $s$ indicates an ideal isentropic device with the same entrance conditions and exit pressure.