• W. Guo, D. Konstantinov, and D. Jin, “Quantum Electronics on Quantum Liquids and Solids”, Prog. Quantum Electron., 99, 100552 (2025). [Link] (arXiv:2406.15870)

  • S. Inui, F. Ahangar, and W. Guo, “Controlled angular momentum injection in a magnetically levitated He II droplet”, J. Low Temp. Phys., (2025). DOI: 10.1007/s10909-025-03275-6 [Link] (arXiv:2411.17115)

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: L. Chaplinsky, S. Fiorucci, C.W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, W. Guo, S.A. Hertel, et al., “Design Studies Of A Pulsed Quasimonoenergetic 2-keV Neutron Source For Calibration Of Low Threshold Dark Matter Detectors”, under review in Phys. Rev. D, (2025). (arXiv:2410.14722)

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: R. Anthony-Petersen, C. L. Chang, Y-Y Chang, L. Chaplinsky, C. W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, W. Guo, et al., “Low Energy Backgrounds and Excess Noise in a Two-Channel Low-Threshold Calorimeter”, under review in Appl. Phys. Lett., (2025). (arXiv:2410.16510)

  • Y. Qi and W. Guo, “Particle Levitation Velocimetry for boundary layer measurements in high Reynolds number liquid helium turbulence”, under review in Scientific Reports, (2025). (arXiv:2411.05202)

  • Y. Qi and W. Guo, “Advances in understanding vacuum break dynamics in liquid helium-cooled tubes for accelerator beamline applications”, under review in Cryogenics, (2025). (arXiv:2411.15668)

  • P. Z. Stasiak, Y. Xing, Y. Alihosseini, C. F. Barenghi, A. Baggaley, W. Guo, L. Galantucci, G. Krstulovic, “Experimental and theoretical evidence of universality in superfluid vortex reconnections”, under review in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., (2025). (arXiv:2411.08942)

  • Xinhao Li, Christopher S. Wang, Brennan Dizdar, Yizhong Huang, Yutian Wen, Wei Guo, Xufeng Zhang, Xu Han, Xianjing Zhou, Dafei Jin, “Noise-resilient host for electron qubit operation up to 0.4 K”, under review in Nature Electronics, (2025). (arXiv:2502.01005)

  • Parmit S. Virdi, Wei Guo, Louis N. Cattafesta III, Peter Cheethama, Lance Cooley, Jonathan C. Gladin, Jiangbiao He, Chul Kim, Hui Li, Juan Ordonez, Sastry Pamidi, Jian-Ping Zheng, “Liquid hydrogen storage, thermal management, and transfer-control system for integrated zero emission aviation (IZEA)”, under review in Applied Energy, (2025).

  • Toshiaki Kanai, Dafei Jin, and Wei Guo, “Single-electron qubits based on ring-shaped surface states on solid neon”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 250603 (2024). [Link] (arXiv:2311.02501)

  • S. Bao, Y. Tang, Q. Rababah, and W. Guo, “Freeze range of a condensing gas propagating in a liquid helium-cooled tube”, Therm. Sci. Eng. Prog., 47, 102328 (2024). [Link] (arXiv:2306.10713)

  • Y. Alihosseini*, Y. Oghabneshin*, A. R. Bari, S. Moslemi, A. R. Roozbehi, M. Z. Targhi, and W. Guo, “Performance of high-concentration photovoltaic cells cooled by a hybrid microchannel heat sink”, Appl. Therm. Eng., 238, 122206 (2024). [Link]

  • Y. Alihosseini*, Y. Oghabneshin*, A. R. Bari, S. Moslemi, W. Guo, A. Mashhadian, and M. Z. Targhi, “Oblique Microchannel Merged with Circle Micro Pin-Fin as a Novel Hybrid Heat Sink for Cooling of Electronic Devices”, Case Stud. Therm. Eng., 53, 103888 (2024). [Link]

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: R. Anthony-Petersen , A. Biekert , R. Bunker , C. Chang , Y. Chang , L. Chaplinsky, E. Fascione, C.W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, R. Germond, W. Guo et al., “A stress-induced source of phonon bursts and quasiparticle poisoning”, Nature Communications,15, 6444 (2024). [Link] (arXiv:2208.02790)

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: R. Anthony-Petersen, A. Biekert, H. Birch, T.K. Bui, C.L. Chang, Y. Chang, L. Chaplinsky,G. Cline, A. Dushkin, C.W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, G. Gilchriese, W. Guo, S.A. Hertel, et al., “Demonstration of the HeRALD superfluid helium detector concept”, Phys. Rev. D, 110, 072006(2024). [Link] (arXiv:2307.11877)

  • P. S. Virdi, W. Guo, et al., “Liquid hydrogen storage and transfer-control system for integrated zero emission aviation (IZEA)”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1302, 012024 (2024). [Link]

  • J. Ordonez, C. Sailabada, W. Guo, et al., “Thermal Management Challenges and Approaches for Liquid Hydrogen-Fueled Aircraft”, AIAA Aviation Forum and Ascend, 3877 (2024). [Link]

  • Y. Tang, W. Guo, H. Kobayashi, S. Yui, M. Tsubota, and T. Kanai, “Imaging quantized vortex rings in superfluid helium to evaluate quantum dissipation”, Nature Communications, 14, 2941 (2023). [Link] (arXiv:2211.01560).

  • W. Guo and T. Kanai, “Vinen's latest thoughts on the "bump" puzzle in decaying He II counterflow turbulence”, J. Low Temp. Phys., 212, 351–362 (2023). [Link] (arXiv:2212.07468).

  • X. Wen, J. Pierce, N. Lavrik, S. J. Randolph, W. Guo, and M. Fitzsimmons, “Flow of the normal component of He-II about bluff objects observed with He2* excimers”, Phys. Rev. B 107, 174501 (2023). [Link]

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: A. Biekert, C. Chang, L. Chaplinsky, C. W. Fink, W. D. Frey, M. Garcia-Sciveres, W. Guo et al., “A portable and high intensity 24 keV neutron source based on Sb-Be photoneutrons and an iron filter”, JINST, 18, P07018 (2023). [Link] (arXiv:2302.03869)

  • H. Li, X. Shan, S. Bao, S. Psulkowski, W. Guo, T. Dickens, and Z. Yu, “3D Printed Tandem X-Ray Detector with Halide Perovskite-Polymer Composite Semiconductor Absorber”, Adv. Manuf., 1, 0002 (2023). [Link]

  • S. Iuni, M. Hulse, T. Kanai, and W. Guo, “Boiling peak heat flux for steady inhomogeneous heat transfer in superfluid 4He”, Phys. Rev. B 108, 174509 (2023). [Link] (arXiv:2310.07546)

  • N. Garceau, S. Bao, and W. Guo, “Vacuum Break in a Helium Cooled Tube with an Inserted Cavity”, In: Qiu, L., Wang, K., Ma, Y. (eds) Proceedings of the 28th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2022. ICEC28-ICMC 2022. Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China, vol 70. Springer, Singapore.(2023). [Link]

  • X. Zhou, G. Koolstra, X. Zhang, G. Yang, X. Han, B. Dizdar, D. Ralu, W. Guo, K. W. Murch, D. I. Schuster, D. Jin, “Single electrons on solid neon as a solid-state qubit platform”, Nature, 605, 46-50 (2022). [Link] (arXiv:2106.10326)

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: A. Biekert, C. Chang, C. W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, E. C. Glazer, W. Guo, et al., “Scintillation yield from electronic and nuclear recoils in superfluid 4He”, Phys. Rev. D 105, 092005 (2022). [Link] (arXiv:2108.02176)

  • SPICE/HeRALD Collaboration: A. Biekert, L. Chaplinsky, C.W. Fink, M. Garcia-Sciveres, W. C. Gillis, W. Guo, et al., “A backing detector for order-keV neutrons”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1039 166981 (2022). [Link] (arXiv:2203.04896)

  • S. Yui*, Y. Tang*, W. Guo, H. Kobayashi, and M. Tsubota, “Universal anomalous diffusion of quantized vortices in ultra-quantum turbulence”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 025301 (2022). Selected as PRL Editor's Suggestion. [Link] (arXiv:2203.02828).

  • H. Sanavandi, M. Hulse, S. Bao, Y. Tang, and W. Guo, “Boiling and cavitation caused by transient heat transfer in superfluid helium-4”, Phys. Rev. B 106, 054501 (2022). [Link] (arXiv:2206.05419)

  • N. P. Müller, Y. Tang, W. Guo, G. Krstulovic, “Velocity circulation intermittency in finite-temperature turbulent superfluid helium”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 104604 (2022). [Link] (arXiv:2204.12999)

  • X. Wen, L. McDonald, J. Pierce, W. Guo, and M. Fitzsimmons, “Observing flow of He II with unsupervised machine learning”, Sci. Rep., 12, 20383 (2022). [Link]

  • Y. Tang, S. Bao, and W. Guo, "Superdiffusion of quantized vortices uncovering scaling laws in quantum turbulence”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 118, e2021957118 (2021). [Link] (arXiv:2101.02274)

  • Y. Tang, W. Guo, V. S. L'vov, and Anna Pomyalov, “Eulerian and Lagrangian second-order statistics of superfluid 4He grid turbulence”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 144506 (2021). [Link] (arXiv:2012.05663)

  • S. Bao and W. Guo, “Transient heat transfer of superfluid 4He in non-homogeneous geometries: Second sound, rarefaction, and thermal layer”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 134510 (2021). [Link] (arXiv:2102.02314)

  • T. Kanai and W. Guo, “True Mechanism of Spontaneous Order from Turbulence in Two-Dimensional Superfluid Manifolds”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 095301 (2021). [Link] (arXiv:2105.01253)

  • N. Garceau, S. Bao, and W. Guo, “Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube - Part III: Heat deposition in He II”, Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 181, 121885 (2021). [Link] (arXiv:2105.05171)

  • H. Sanavandi and W. Guo, “A magnetic levitation based low-gravity simulator with an unprecedented large functional volume”, npj Microgravity, 7, 40 (2021). [Open Access: Link] (arXiv:2108.00520)

  • W. Guo and A. I. Golov, “Shape fluctuations and optical transition of He2* excimer tracers in superfluid 4He", Phys. Rev. B 101, 064515 (2020). [Open Access: Link] (arXiv:2001.05625)

  • T. Kanai, W. Guo, M. Tsubota, and D. Jin, “Torque and Angular Momentum Transfer in Merging Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 105302 (2020). [Link] (arXiv:1909.08086)

  • (J-PARC Collaboration) V. Sonnenschein, Y. Tsuji, S. Kokuryu, W. Kubo, S. Suzuki, H. Tomita, Y. Kiyanagi, T. Iguchi, T. Matsushita, N. Wada, M. Kitaguchi, H. Shimizu, K. Hirota, T. Shinohara, K. Hiroi, H. Hayashida, W. Guo, D. Ito, and Y. Saito, "An experimental setup for creating and imaging 4He2 excimer cluster tracers in superfluid Helium-4 via neutron-3He absorption reaction", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 91, 033318 (2020). Selected as Editor's Pick. [Link]

  • X. Wen, S. Bao, L. McDonald, J. Pierce, G.L. Greene, L. Crow, X. Tong, A. Mezzacappa, R. Glasby, W. Guo, and M.R. Fitzsimmons, "Imaging fluorescence of 4He2 excimers created by neutron capture in liquid helium II", Phys. Rev. Lett., 124 , 134502 (2020). Selected as PRL Editor's Suggestion. [Link]

  • S. Yui, H. Kobayashi, M. Tsubota, and W. Guo, “Fully coupled dynamics of the two fluids in superfluid 4He: Anomalous anisotropic velocity fluctuations in counterflow”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 124, 155301 (2020). [Link] (arXiv:1911.01628)

  • H. Sanavandi, S. Bao, Y. Zhang, R. Keijzer, W. Guo, and L. N. Cattafesta III, "A cryogenic-helium pipe flow facility with unique double-line molecular tagging velocimetry capability”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 91, 053901 (2020). [Link] (arXiv:2003.07420)

  • S. Bao, N. Garceau, and W. Guo, “Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube - Part II: Theoretical modeling”, Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 146, 118883 (2020). [Link]

  • Y. Tang, S. Bao, T. Kanai, and W. Guo, "Statistical Properties of Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence in He II Measured via Particle Tracking Velocimetry”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 084602 (2020). [Link] (arXiv:2004.05662)

  • S. Bao, T. Kanai, Y. Zhang, L. N. Cattafesta III, W. Guo, "Stereoscopic detection of hot spots in superfluid helium-4 for accelerator-cavity diagnosis”, Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 161, 120259 (2020). [Link] (arXiv:2005.04498)

  • (J-PARC Collaboration) T. Matsushita, V. Sonnenschein, T. Iguchi, D. Ito, M. Kitaguchi, Y. Kiyanagi, W. Guo, Y. Saito, T. Shinohara, H. Shimizu, S. Suzuki, Y. Tsuji, H. Tomita, H. Hayashida, M. Hishida, K. Hiroi, K. Hirota, T. Maruyama, S. Waki, and N. Wada, "Proof-of-principle Experiment of 4He Excimer Cluster Generation via Neutron-3He Absorption Reaction for Visualization of Velocity Fields in Superfluid 4He", Hamon, 30, 192 (2020). [Link]

  • N. Garceau, S. Bao, and W. Guo, “Effect of mass flow rate on gas propagation after vacuum break in a liquid helium cooled tube”, IOP Conf. Proc: Mater. Sci. Eng., 755, 012112 (2020). [Link]

  • N. Garceau, S. Bao, and W. Guo, “Heat and mass transfer during a sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube - Part I: Interpretation of experimental observations”, Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 129, 1144-1150 (2019). [Link]

  • B. Mastracci and W. Guo, “Characterizing vortex tangle properties in steady-state He II counterflow using particle tracking velocimetry”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4, 023301 (2019). Selected as Editor's Suggestion [Link] (arXiv:1810.11566)

  • S. Bao and W. Guo, “Quench spot detection for superconducting accelerator cavities via flow visualization in superfluid helium-4”, Phys. Rev. Applied, 11, 044003 (2019). [Link] (arXiv:1812.07080)

  • N. Garceau, S. Bao, W. Guo, and S.W. Van Sciver, “The design and testing of a liquid helium cooled tube system for simulating sudden vacuum loss in particle accelerators”, Cryogenics, 100, 92-96 (2019). [Link]

  • B. Mastracci, S. Bao, W. Guo, and W.F. Vinen, “Particle tracking velocimetry applied to thermal counterflow in superfluid 4He: motion of the normal fluid at small heat fluxes”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4, 083305 (2019). [Link]

  • W. Guo, “Molecular Tagging Velocimetry in Superfluid Helium-4: Progress, Issues, and Future Development”, J. Low Temp. Phys. , 196, 60-72 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

  • T. Kanai, W. Guo, and M. Tsubota, “Merging of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates”, J. Low Temp. Phys., 195, 37-50 (2019). [Link] [PDF] (arXiv:1803.03747)

  • (J-PARC Collaboration) T. Matsushita, V. Sonnenschein, W. Guo, H. Hayashida, K. Hiroi, K. Hirota, T. Iguchi, D. Ito, M. Kitaguchi, Y. Kiyanagi, S. Kokuryu, W. Kubo, Y. Saito, H. M. Shimizu, T. Shinohara, S. Suzuki, H. Tomita, Y. Tsuji, and N.Wada, “Generation of 4He2 Clusters via Neutron-3He Absorption Reaction towards Visualization of Full Velocity Field in Quantum Turbulence”, J. Low Temp. Phys. ,196, 275-282 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

  • T. Kanai, W. Guo, and M. Tsubota, “Flows with fractional quantum circulation in Bose-Einstein condensates induced by nontopological phase defects”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013612 (2018). [Link]

  • B. Mastracci and W. Guo, “An apparatus for generation and quantitative measurement of homogeneous isotropic turbulence in He II”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 015107 (2018). [Link]

  • J. Gao, W. Guo, W.F. Vinen, S. Yui, and M. Tsubota, “Dissipation in quantum turbulence in superfluid 4He”, Phys. Rev. B 97, 184518 (2018). [Link] (arXiv:1804.01655)

  • B. Mastracci and W. Guo, “An exploration of thermal counterflow in He II using particle tracking velocimetry”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 063304 (2018). [Link] (arXiv:1805.10762)

  • E. Varga, J. Gao, W. Guo, and L. Skrbek, “Intermittency enhancement in quantum turbulence in superfluid 4He”, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 094601 (2018). [Link]

  • S. Bao, W. Guo, V. S. L'vov, and Anna Pomyalov†, “Statistics of turbulence and intermittency enhancement in superfluid 4He counterflow”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 174509 (2018). [Link] (arXiv:1810.00507)

  • J. Gao, E. Varga, W. Guo, and W.F. Vinen, “Energy spectrum of thermal counterflow turbulence in superfluid helium-4”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094511 (2017). [Link]

  • J. Gao, E. Varga, W. Guo, and W.F. Vinen, “Statistical measurement of counterflow turbulence in superfluid helium-4 using He2 tracer-line tracking technique”, J. Low Temp. Phys., 187, 490 (2017). [Link]

  • B. Mastracci, S. Takada, and W. Guo, “Study of particle motion in He II counterflow across a wide heat flux range”, J. Low Temp. Phys., 187, 446 (2017). [Link]

  • B. Mastracci and W. Guo, “Visualization of grid-generated turbulence in He II using PTV”, IOP Conf. Proc: Mater. Sci. Eng., 278, 012081 (2017). [Link]

  • N. Garceau, W. Guo, and T. Dodamead, “Gas propagation following a sudden loss of vacuum in a pipe cooled by He I and He II”, IOP Conf. Proc: Mater. Sci. Eng., 278, 012068 (2017). [Link]

  • M. Vanderlaan, D. Stubbs, K. Ledeboar, J. Ross, J.Wood, W. Johnson, S. Van Sciver, and W. Guo, “Repeatability Measurements in Apparent Thermal Conductivity of Multi-layer Insulation (MLI)”, IOP Conf. Proc: Mater. Sci. Eng., 278, 012195 (2017). [Link]

  • W.L. Johnson, M. Vanderlaan, J.J. Wood, N.O. Rhys, W. Guo, S. Van Sciver, D.J. Chato, "Repeatability of Cryogenic Multilayer Insulation", IOP Conf. Proc: Mater. Sci. Eng., 278, 012196 (2017). [Link]

  • J. Gao, W. Guo, and W.F. Vinen, “Determination of the effective kinematic viscosity for the decay of quasiclassical turbulence in superfluid 4He”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 094502 (2016). [Link]

  • J. Gao, W. Guo, V.S. L'vov, A. Pomyalov, L. Skrbek, E. Varga, and W.F. Vinen, “Decay of Counterflow Turbulence in Superfluid 4He”, JETP Letters, 103, 648-652 (2016). [Link]

  • J. Gao, A. Marakov, W. Guo, B.T. Pawlowski, S.W. Van Sciver, G.G. Ihas, D.N. McKinsey, and W.F. Vinen, "Producing and Imaging a Thin Line of He2 Tracer Molecules in Helium-4", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 86, 093904 (2015). [Link]

  • A. Marakov, J. Gao, W. Guo, S.W. Van Sciver, G.G. Ihas, D.N. McKinsey, and W.F. Vinen, "Visualization of the normal-fluid turbulence in counterflowing superfluid 4He", Phys. Rev. B 91, 094503 (2015). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D.P. Lathrop, M. La Mantia, and S.W. Van Sciver, "Visualization of two-fluid flows of superfluid helium-4 at finite temperatures", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 111, 4653 (2014). [Link]

  • D.E. Zmeev, F. Pakpour, P.M. Walmsley, A.I. Golov, W. Guo, D.N. McKinsey, G.G. Ihas, P.V.E. McClintock, S. N. Fisher, and W.F. Vinen, "Excimers He2 as Tracers of Quantum Turbulence in 4He in the T=0 Limit", Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 175303 (2013). [Link]

  • W. Guo and D.N. McKinsey, "Concept for A Dark Matter Detector Using Liquid Helium-4", Phys. Rev. D 87, 115001 (2013). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D.N. McKinsey, A. Marakov, K.J. Thompson, G.G. Ihas, and W.F. Vinen, "Visualization technique for determining the structure functions of normal- fluid turbulence in superfluid helium-4" , J. Low Temp. Phys., 171, 497 (2013). [Link]

  • D.E. Zmeev, F. Pakpour, P.M. Walmsley, A.I. Golov, P.V.E. McClintock, S.N. Fisher, W. Guo, D.N. McKinsey, G.G. Ihas, and W.F. Vinen, "Observation of Crossover from Ballistic to Diffusion Regime for Excimer Molecules in Superfluid 4He", J. Low Temp. Phys., 171, 207 (2013). [Link]

  • D. Jin and W. Guo, "Finite-temperature density functional study of electron self-trapping in 3He and 4He", J. Chem. Phys., 136, 244510 (2012). [Link]

  • W. Guo, M. Dufault, S.B. Cahn, J.A. Nikkel, Y. Shin and D.N. McKinsey, "Scintillation and charge yield from the tracks of energetic electrons in superfluid helium-4", JINST, 7, P01002 (2012). [Link]

  • W. Guo, S.B. Cahn, J.A. Nikkel, W.F. Vinen and D.N. McKinsey, "Visualization Study of Counterflow in Superfluid 4He using Metastable Helium Molecules", Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 045301 (2010). [Link]
    Selected as Editors' Suggestion and featured in Physics. See commentary article "Laminar, turbulent, or doubly turbulent?", Carlo F. Barenghi, Physics 3, 60 (2010). [Link]

  • D. Jin and W. Guo, "Vortex nucleation induced phonon radiation from a moving electron bubble in superfluid 4He ", Phys. Rev. B 82, 094524 (2010). [Link]

  • W. Guo, J.D. Wright, S.B. Cahn, J.A. Nikkel, and D.N. McKinsey, "Metastable Helium Molecules as Tracers in Superfluid He-4", Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 235301 (2009). [Link]

  • W. Guo, J.D. Wright, S.B. Cahn, J.A. Nikkel, and D.N. McKinsey, "Studying the normal-fluid flow in Helium-II using metastable helium molecules", J. Low Temp. Phys., 158, 346 (2009). [Link]

  • D. Jin, W. Guo, W. Wei and H.J. Maris, "Electrons in Superfluid Helium-4", J. Low Temp. Phys., 158, 307 (2009). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D. Jin, G.M. Seidel, and H. Maris, "Experiments with single electrons in liquid helium", Phys. Rev. B 79, 054515 (2009). [Link]
    Selected as Editors' Suggestion and featured in Physics. See commentary article "Looking at electrons", Gary A. Williams, Physics 2, 14 (2009). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D. Jin and H. Maris, "Theory of the stability of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 150, 032027 (2009).

  • W. Guo, D. Jin, G.M. Seidel, and H. Maris, "Experiments with single electrons in liquid helium", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 150, 022020 (2009).

  • W. Guo, D. Jin, and H. Maris, "Stability of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium", Phys. Rev. B 78, 014511 (2008). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D. Jin, W. Wei, and H. Maris, et al., "Low temperature piezoelectric and dielectric properties of lead magnesium niobate titanate single crystals", J. Appl. Phys., 102, 084104 (2007).[Link]

  • W. Guo and H. Maris, "Observations of the Motion of Single Electrons in Liquid Helium", J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 199 (2007).[Link]

  • W. Guo and H. Maris, "Calculation of the Cross-Section for Optical Transitions of an Electron Bubble to D States", J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 213 (2007). [Link]

  • H. Maris and W. Guo, "Calculation of the Shape of S-State Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium", J. Low Temp. Phys., 148, 207 (2007). [Link]

  • W. Guo, D. Jin, and H. Maris, "Using Sound Waves to Make Movies of an Electron", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 92, 012001 (2007).

  • W. Guo and H. Maris, "Calculation of the Cross-Section for the 1S->2P Transition of an Electron Bubble in Helium II", AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 165 (2006).

  • W. Guo and H. Maris, "Properties of Moving Electron Bubbles in Superfluid Helium", AIP Conf. Proc. 850, 161 (2006).

  • H. Maris and W. Guo, "The Shape of Electron Bubbles in Liquid Helium and the Line Width of Optical Transitions", J. Low Temp. Phys., 137, 491 (2004). [Link]

  • Wei Guo and Hamid Sanavandi, US Patent App. 18/055,682, 2023, “Magnetic levitation based low-gravity system”, 2023/6/1.   [Link]

  • Toshiaki Kanai (2018-2023), Ph.D. Dissertation, “Numerical and Experimental Studies of Turbulence in Quantum Fluids”, (Nov 2023).   [PDF]

  • Hamid Sanavandi (2017-2022), Ph.D. Dissertation, “Liquid Helium Turbulent Pipe Flow and Magnetic Levitation Research”, (Sept 2022).   [PDF]

  • Nathaniel Garceau (2017-2022), Ph.D. Dissertation, “Heat and Mass Transfer During a Sudden Loss of Vacuum in a Liquid Helium Cooled Tube”, (May 2022).   [PDF]

  • Brian Mastracci (2013-2018), Ph.D. Dissertation, “Application of Particle Tracking Velocimetry to Thermal Counterflow and Towed-grid Turbulence In Helium II”, (Aug 2018).   [PDF]

  • Jian Gao (2012-2017), Ph.D. Dissertation, “Visualization Study of Thermal Counterflow in Superfluid 4He”, (May 2017).   [PDF]

  • Andew Wray (2014-2016), M.Sc. Thesis, “Development of Operations Manuel and Restoration of Low-gravity Simulator Magnet”, (July 2016).   [PDF]

  • Alexander Marakov (2013-2015, visiting student from Univ. Florida), Ph.D. Dissertation, “The Visualization of Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid 4He”, (May 2015).   [PDF]

  • Contributed Oral Presentation: T. Kanai, "Single-electron qubits based on quantum ring states on solid neon surface", 2024 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Jacksonville, FL, USA, 7/24 (2024).

  • Contributed Oral Presentation: M. Hulse, "Visualization Study of the Law of the Wall in Superfluid Helium-4", 76th Annual APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 11/17 (2023).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of the law of wall in superfluid helium-4", 2023 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Manchester, UK, 8/9-15 (2023).

  • Contributed Oral presentation: P. S. Virdi, "LH2 storage and transfer-control system", 2023 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC/ICMC), Hawaii, USA, 7/9-13 (2023).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Watching the decay of quantized vortex rings in superfluid helium-4", 29th International Low Temperature Physics Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 8/18-23 (2022).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", The 14th International Conference on Quantum Fluid Clusters, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 4/18-23 (2022).

  • Poster presentation: K. Toshiaki, "True mechanism of spontaneous order from turbulence in two-dimensional superfluid manifolds", 29th International Low Temperature Physics Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 8/18-23 (2022). Best poster award.

  • Contributed talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of the law of wall in superfluid helium-4", 2022 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC/ICMC), Online (organized by Zhejiang University), 4/25-29 (2022).

  • Contributed talk: N. Garceau, "Sudden loss of vacuum in a liquid helium cooled tube with a bulky cavity", 2022 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC/ICMC), Online (organized by Zhejiang University), 4/25-29 (2022).

  • Contributed talk: S. Bao, "Propagation of condensable gas in a liquid helium cooled vacuum tube following a catastrophic loss of vacuum", 2022 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC/ICMC), Online (organized by Zhejiang University), 4/25-29 (2022).

  • Invited Lecture: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", The 14th International Conference on Quantum Fluid Clusters, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 4/18-23 (2022).

  • Invited talk: T. Kanai, "Torque and Angular Momentum Transfer in Merging Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates", 2021 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Online, Organized by Indian Institute of Science(IISc), 8/10 (2021).

  • Invited half-plenary talk: W. Guo, "Studying quantum turbulence in superfluid helium-4 using particle tracking velocimetry", 2021 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Online, Organized by Indian Institute of Science(IISc), 8/10 (2021).

  • Contributed talk: S. Bao, "Understanding the freeze-out length for gas propagation in a liquid-helium-cooled tube", 2021 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC/ICMC), Online, 7/19 (2021).

  • Invited talk: S. Bao, "Detection of hot spots on accelerator cavities via flow visualization in superfluid 4He (He II)", 2021 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC/ICMC), Online, 7/19 (2021).

  • Invited short course: W. Guo, "Helium cryogenics", 2020 International Applied Superconductivity Conference, online, organized by FSU, 10/25 (2020).

  • Contributed talk: H. Sanavandi, "Molecular Tagging Velocimetry Study of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Pipe Flow in Cryogenic 4He", 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, USA, 11/23 (2019).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Solving the puzzle of second-sound triangulation for hot-spot detection in superfluid helium-4", 2019 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Edmonton, Canada, 8/7 (2019).

  • Contributed talk: S. Bao, "Quench spot detection for SRF cavities via flow visualization in superfluid helium-4", 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC), Hartford, CT, United States, 7/21 (2019).

  • Poster presentation: N. Garceau, "Effect of mass flow rate on gas propagation after vacuum break in a liquid helium cooled tube", 2019 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC), Hartford, CT, United States, 7/21 (2019).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Locating quench spot of SRF cavities using He2 molecular tracer-line tracking technique in superfluid helium", 27th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC), Oxford University, United Kingdom, 9/5 (2018).

  • Invited plenary talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum turbulence in superfluid helium-4: progress and future development", 2018 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Tokyo, Japan, 7/25 (2018).

  • Poster presentation: W. Guo, "Puzzling thermal counterflow turbulence in superfluid helium-4", 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8/10 (2017).

  • Invited talk: B. Mastracci, "Visualization of grid-generated turbulence in He II using PTV", 2017 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC), Madison, WI, United States, 7/10 (2017).

  • Poster presentation: N. Garceau, "Gas propagation following a sudden loss of vacuum in a pipe cooled by He I and He II", 2017 Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC), Madison, WI, United States, 7/10 (2017).

  • Invited plenary talk: W. Guo, "Understanding quantum hydrodynamics: flow visualization in superfluid helium-4", IGER International Symposium on Science of Molecular Assembly and Biomolecular Systems, Nagoya University, Japan, 9/22 (2016).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium-4 using He2 molecules as tracers", American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3/16 (2016).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Simultaneous study of the superfluid and the normal fluid in counterflowing superfluid helium-4", 2015 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Niagara Falls, NY, United States, 8/9 (2015).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow Visualization in Superfluid Helium-4 Using a Thin Line of He2 Excimer Tracers", 27th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8/10 (2014).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid He-4 using metastable helium molecules as tracers", 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Beijing, China, 8/14 (2011).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "He2 molcules laser-induced fluorescence and its applications", Ultra-Low Temperature Physics Conference, Daejeon, Korea, 8/16 (2011).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Quantitative Study of the Normal-fluid Flow using He2 Molecules", 2009 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, 8/16 (2009).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Ring quantum states of electrons on solid neon for quantum computing", Quantum Technologies with Floating Charge Particles, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, 5/28-31 (2024).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Quantum fluids as platforms for quantum science and engineering", Dirac Quantum Discussions, FSU Quantum Symposium, Florida State University, 4/11-13 (2024).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Turbulent diffusion and dispersion in ultra-quantum and quasiclassical superfluid turbulence", Workshop on Turbulent Quantum Fluids, NYU in Abu Dhabi, 3/5-9 (2024).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Tackling Challenging Problems in Quantum and Classical Turbulence using Liquid Helium-4", 2023 Moore Foundation EPI Convening Meeting, Santa Fe, USA, 7/24-27 (2023).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of the law of wall in superfluid helium-4", Bridging Classical and Quantum Turbulence, Cargèse, Corsica, France, 7/3-15 (2023).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Imaging Quantized Vortex Rings in Superfluid Helium to Decipher Quantum Dissipation", Topics in Classical and Quantum Engineering Science Symposium, Texas A&M University, USA, 5/1-3 (2023).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Quantum fluids research - A status report", Workshop on Quantum Science and Engineering, Florida State University, USA, 3/4-5 (2022).

  • Invited talk: Y. Tang, "Superdiffusion of quantized vortices in a random vortex tangle", United Kingdom Quantum Fluids network webinar, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, 6/15 (2021).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "The true mechanism of spontaneous order from turbulence in two-dimensional superfluid", United Kingdom Quantum Fluids network webinar, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, 6/15 (2021).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Probing quantum turbulence in superfluid helium-4 using particle tracking velocimetry", International Workshop on “Turbulence of All Kinds” , Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (NITEP), Osaka, Japan, 1/7 (2020).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Advanced molecular tagging velocimetry in cryogenic helium", ARO/AFOSR Joint Program Review Meeting, Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, USA, 7/15 (2019).

  • Invited talk: T. Kanai, "Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensation Merging", International Workshop on "Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation", University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, United States, 4/1 (2019).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", International Workshop on "Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation", University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, United States, 4/1 (2019).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", International Workshop on "Quantum Turbulence: Cold Atoms, Heavy Ions, and Neutron Stars", Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington in Seattle, United States, 3/25 (2019).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Quantitative Flow Visualization Measurement in Superfluid Helium-4", International Workshop on "Chasing tornadoes: vorticity above, below, and in the lab", Newcastle University, United Kingdom, 4/9 (2018).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium", Quantum Turbulence International Workshop, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 4/10-4/12 (2017).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Possible application of neutron in the study of quantum fluid hydrodynamics", Workshop on Very Cold Neutron Source for the Second Target Station, Oak Ridge National Lab, United States, 05/26 (2016).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "The decay of quantum turbulence energy in superfluid helium-4", Workshop on Interpretation of measurements in superfluid turbulence of He4, CEA Saclay, France, 9/14 (2015).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Developing flow visualization tools for quantum turbulence research", Workshop on Grand Challenges in Quantum Fluids and Solids W orkshop, New York State University at Baffalo, NY, United States, 8/7 (2015).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Molecular tagging velocimetry in superfluid helium-4", Workshop on New Perspectives in Quantum Turbulence: experimental visualization and numerical simulation, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 12/11 (2014).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Prospects for visualization below 1K with He2 excimer molecules", Workshop on Quantum Turbulence and its Visualization, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5/5 (2014).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium and proposal on ground-based microgravity experiments", 1st ESA Workshop on the Physics of Microgravity Cryogenic Sloshing Motions, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12/18 (2013).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium-4", FCAAP Workshop and Polysonic Wind Tunnel Commissioning, Florida State University, Tallahassee FL, 11/19 (2013).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "A Concept for a Dark Matter Detector Using Superfluid Helium-4", 8th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Chicago, IL, United States, 7/8 (2012).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "New techniques for visualization study of normal-fluid turbulence in superfluid He-4 using metastable He2 molecules", Workshop on Turbulence in Quantum Two-Fluid Systems, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5/4 (2012).

  • Invited talk: W. Guo, "Visualization of quantum turbulence with He2 excimer molecules", Workshop on Classical and Quantum Turbulence, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5/7 (2011).

  • Colloquium talk: W. Guo, "Quantum fluids as platforms for quantum science and engineering", Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Physics Colloquium Series, 1/24 (2024).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", Simons turbulence seminar, Online (organized by Gregory Eyink), 11/13 (2023).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", Johns Hopkins University, Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9/22 (2023).

  • Colloquium talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid 4He", Jacksonville University, Science and Engineering Lecture Series, Jacksonville, FL, USA, 3/30 (2023).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "True mechanism of spontaneous order from turbulence in two-dimensional superfluid", Federal Univ. Rio Grande do Norte, Department of Physics, Brazil, 12/16 (2021).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "True mechanism of spontaneous order from turbulence in two-dimensional superfluid", Newcastle University, Applied Math and Physics Department, United Kingdom, 10/22 (2021).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 10/1 (2021).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Particle tracking velocimetry study of quantum turbulence in superfluid helium-4", University of Manchester, Department of Physics, Manchester, UK, 11/13 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", Lancaster University, Physics Department, Lancaster, UK, 11/1 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", East Anglia University, Applied Math Department, East Anglia, UK, 10/28 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Merging of Rotating Bose Condensates", Newcastle University, Applied Math and Physics Department, Newcastle, UK, 10/25 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Merging of Rotating Bose Condensates", Birmingham University, Department of Physics, Birmingham, UK, 10/18 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", Wuhan University, Department of Physics, Wuhan, China, 7/22 (2019).

  • Condensed Matter Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4", National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 5/9 (2019).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium: progress and future development", University of Florida, Department of Physics, Gainesville, Florida, United States, 10/16 (2017).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum turbulence in superfluid helium", Nagoya University, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, 7/5 (2017).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in superfluid helium", Osaka City University, Department of Physics, Osaka, Japan, 6/19 (2017).

  • Colloquium talk: W. Guo, "Understanding quantum hydrodynamics: flow visualization in superfluid helium-4", University of Tennessee, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Knoxville, TN, 11/21 (2016).

  • Colloquium talk: W. Guo, "Flow visualization in cryogenic helium-4", University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mechanical Engineering, Madison, WI, 3/5 (2015).

  • Seminar talk: W. Guo, "Concept for a dark matter detector using liquid helium-4", Los Alamos National Lab, 7/30 (2013).

  • Colloquium talk: W. Guo, "Visualization study of quantum turbulence in superfluid He-4", University of Florida, Department of Physics, Gainesville, FL, United States, 9/13 (2012).