FIT Team

Contact Info


This page contains general information for the FIT Team and it members

The overall goals of the FIT Team revolve around Sotware Goals of the project which include:

  • Motion Planning
  • Object Detection
  • Models and Simulations
  • Position Estimation
  • Software Metrics and Testing
  • Image Processing & Computer Vision

    For many members of this team, this currently their second year working on the project (Junior and Senior Design).

  • Members

    Name Major
    Pulkit Aggarwal Computer Engineering
    Brent Allard* Computer Science
    Abner Coimbre Computer Science
    Federico Giovine Mechanical Engineering
    Adam Hill* Computer Science
    Christopher Kocsis* Computer Science
    Rohit Kumar* Computer Engineering
    William Nyffenegger* Computer Science & Applied Math
    Matthew Salfer-Hobbs* Mechanical Engineering
    Kartikeya Sharma* Computer Engineering
    Tylor Slack Computer Engineering
    Peter Tarsoly Computer Engineering

    Special mention to Paul Kepinski (Mechanical, Spring 2016) who is advising the team.

    * Senior design project this year