This example illustrates Laplace transform solution for a hyperbolic partial differential equation.
It also illustrates that the transformed coordinate is not always a time.
Find the horizontal perturbation velocity in a supersonic flow above a membrane overlaying a compressible variable medium.
Try a Laplace transform. The physics and the fact that Laplace transforms like only initial conditions suggest that is the one to be transformed. Variable is our ``time-like'' coordinate.
Transform the partial differential equation:
Transform the boundary condition:
Solve the partial differential equation, again effectively a constant
coefficient ordinary differential equation:
Apply the boundary condition at :
Apply the boundary condition at 0:
Solving for and plugging it into the expression for
We need to find the original to
Looking in the tables:
The other factor is a shifted function , restricted to the interval
that its argument is positive:
Use convolution, Table 6.3, # 7. again to get the product.
I can do that by restricting the range of integration to only those values for which is nonzero. (Or is nonzero, if you prefer)
Two cases now exist:
It is neater if the integration variable is the argument of . So,
define and convert:
An alternate solution procedure is to define a new unknown:
You must derive the problem for v:
The boundary condition is simply:
To get the partial differential equation for , use
Similarly, for the initial conditions:
After finding , I still need to find from the definition of :