For this project we considered several great microprocessors that could be used to control our robot. Narrowing down our options and making a decision was though, given that all options were great. We finally decided to use an Arduino Leonardo Board because it not only provided all the analog and digital ports that we needed, but also because of all there is a range of devices that can be used to boost its performance and enhance its implementation. For example, Arduino also manufactures the Esplora remote control (which is a microprocessor by itself). The Arduino Esplora works smoothly with the Leonardo on-board of the robot given that they both have the same logic chip. For the communication system, we went the Arduino way again by using two Xbee RF devices. One of the Xbees is mounted on the Leonardo and the other one in the Esplora; they are both used to transmit commands and instructions from the remote to the robot.