Restated Project Specifications
The Restated Project Definition and Scope Report returns to the original deliverable to update it with changes based on the Sponsor requests and team budget. It redefines the goals that the project is expected to meet and also sets specifications for the system to clearly determine the requirements for each goal to be considered completed.
The Interim Design Report was the final report of the fall semester. It details each aspect of the design and its intended functionality. It also details the actual components and materials that will be purchased at the close of the semester. This report signals the end of design speculations. After this point, the team will be assembling the system and running tests to ensure it meets specifications.
The intentions of the Midterm Report were to show how far the team had come in idealizing a final design. For this report the team brainstormed three design options. They then performed functional analysis to determine which of the designs would best fulfill the project needs without violating the project constraints.
Project Plans and Product Specifications
Once the objectives and constraints of the project were realized, the team began to formulate design and performance specifications. They worked together to generate an expected timeline and allocate responsibilities to each member so that purchase orders and structure fabrication could be started in a timely manner.
The Needs Assessment Report was geared towards background research and understanding the parameters of the project scope. The team defined project constraints and requirements and thus developed a formal need statement. Based on that statement, the team also structured a goal statement with outlined objectives to complete the project.
The Code of Conduct is a document formulated by the team to serve as a formal agreement of responsibilities and dictation for communication, decision making, and conflict resolution. Each team member has a specified responsibility for the overall project as well as a responsibility to the team to be respectful, professional, and put forth full effort.