The Team

Marissa Foreit - Mechanical Engineer
Marissa Foreit is the team leader for this group. She is a senior in Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University and hopes to go into the manufacturing industry after graduation. Her experience includes an internship with Schmid Tool and Engineering this past summer.
Kyler Kazmierski - Mechanical Engineer
Kyler Kazmierski was born and raised in Saint Augustine, FL and is currently a senior Mechanical Engineering student enrolled at Florida State University. After graduating in the Spring of 2017 with his Bachelor’s degree, Kyler plans to obtain a full time job in the industry.
Olayinka Oladosu - Mechanical Engineer
Olayinka Oladosu is an exchange student of Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University from Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. He plans to complete his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering, attend graduate school to pursue a Master’s degree and Phd. in Materials Engineering. He interned for Nigerite Limited and Sumo Steels Limited, Lagos, Nigeria. Plays soccer & Plans to work in an Oil & Gas multinational company after graduation.
Folaranmi Adenola - Mechanical Engineer
Folaranmi Adenola is an exchange student from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University from Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State. He plans to complete his bachelors in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. He interned in 7up Bottling Company (Pepsi Nigeria) and he is currently involved in a research of Microwave assisted HTL and hydrocracking of winery waste for nutraceutical and biofuel extraction. He plans to attend graduate school to pursue a master’s in Industrial Engineering.Faculty Advisor and Instructors

Dr. Carl Moore  
Collaborative robotics
Human-robot interaction

Dr. Chiang Shih Personal Website  
Experimental fluid mechanics
Steady and unsteady aerodynamics
Active flow and noise control

Dr. Nikhil Gupta Personal Website  
Dynamic modeling of legged and wheeled vehicles
Motion planning