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Heat Transfer and Prognostic Model Development

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A Planning Model for Predicting Ignition Potential of Complex Fuels in Diurnally Variable Environments

Fuel ignition potential is one of the primary drivers influencing the extent of damage in wildland and wildland-urban interface fires and it is a decisive factor in planning prescribed fires. Determining the susceptibility of fuels, which vary spatially and temporally, to fire will help to recognize necessary defensive actions, reduce damages, and help to configure prescribed fire plans. “Complex-environment Temperature and Moisture Predictor (CeTMP)” is a newly developed computational model that predicts the diurnal temperature and moisture content variations, and thus vulnerability to ignition, of objects/fuels with complex shapes, settings, or topography and materials under variable environmental conditions. (Saxena, S., Dubey, R. R., & Yaghoobian, N. (2023). A planning model for predicting ignition potential of complex fuels in diurnally variable environments. Fire Technology, 59(5), 2787-2827.).

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Thermal Function and Architecture of Natural Structures (Closed Chimney Termite Mound)

Predicting and understanding the effects of environmental conditions and materials on the shape and function of natural structures.

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Building Energy Analysis

While there have been significant advances in energy modeling of individual buildings and urban canopies, more sophisticated and at the same time more efficient models are needed to understand the thermal interaction between buildings and their surroundings. In particular, to evaluate policy alternatives it is of interest how building makeup, canyon geometry, weather conditions, and their combination modify heat transfer in the urban area.

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