Land and Atmosphere Interaction
Characterizing dynamics of flow and transport in and over complex terrains at the interface of the lower atmosphere and the earth surface.

Effect of Topography on Firebrand Transport

Plume Dynamics in Wildland-Urban Interfaces (WUIs)

Flight Behavior of a Smoldering Particle

The Effect of Spatiotemporally Variable Fuel Moisture Content on Fire Behavior

Flow and Scalar Transport in Complex Terrains

Bio-Thermo-fluid Dynamics

Flow and Scalar Transport in Complex Terrains

Thermo-fluid Dynamics of the Diurnally Variable Urban Microclimates
Coupled energy balance analyses and Large-eddy simulations to investigate the effect of the diurnally transient non-uniform urban surface heating and inter-building shadowing on heat and mass transport in urban areas.

Flow and Transport over Complex Plant Canopies
Large-eddy simulation of atmospheric flow is combined with golf ball trajectory modeling that incorporates local plant canopy information to predict the trajectory of a golf shot at any hole on a golf course in a variety of wind conditions.