Properly posedness is really quite unique to partial differential equations. Ordinary differential equations can be hard to solve if they involve very different time scales. For example, that is an issue in many chemical reactions.
But for partial differential equations, hard to solve
becomes impossible to solve.
That happens even for
apparently very simple linear partial differential equations with
constant coefficients.
This section has a look at some of the issues involved.
In words, a properly posed problem in partial differential equations can be described as follows: it is a problem that has a unique solution that is physically reasonable.
Phrased more mathematically, a problem is properly posed if:
dataare here such things as the initial or boundary conditions or an inhomogeneous term in the equation.
Requirement 3 above is the one that makes the solution physically reasonable. Physically, nothing is exactly known. There are always some errors in the data, however accurate they may be. If these negligible errors can produce a significant change in the solution, then all bets are off that the solution obtained is the right one.
You may wonder what correspondingly small
in condition
3 really means. The true answer is that it varies. However,
generally it is taken to mean that changes in the solution are no more
than proportional to the changes in the data that cause these changes.
And there must be some overall upper bound to the constant of
proportionality that is independent of the details of the change in
That still requires that suitable measures of the magnitude of the changes in data and solution are defined. That however is beyond this discussion.
One thing should be emphasized. It is not partial differential equations that are properly or improperly posed. It is problems that are properly or improperly posed. Before you know what boundary and initial conditions are specified for your partial differential equation, you cannot say anything meaningful about properly posedness.
The following subsections give a few typical examples of how improperly posed problems arise. It illustrates that if you try to solve some partial differential equation numerically, you better know what sort of equation it is. Or you can get into major problems.
Show that the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Poisson equation on a finite domain,
Assuming that the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation on a finite domain,
Repeat the previous two questions for the Dirichlet initial / boundary value problem for the heat equation,
This subsection will discuss an improperly posed problem involving the heat equation. Recall that the heat equation is an example of a parabolic equation.
Consider first a very standard properly posed problem for the heat equation. The problem is heat conduction in a bar. The unknown is the temperature. The ends of the bar are kept at zero temperature.
The below figure shows some computed temperature profiles in a bar at various times.
At the initial time
0 the initial condition was assumed to be
piecewise linear. There is then a singularity, a kink, at the center
of the bar. A kink corresponds to a jump in the derivative. But the
heat equation smooths away singularities. At any later time, even as
small as 0.02 in the nondimensional units used in this problem, the
temperature profile is perfectly smooth, with all derivatives
This problem was properly posed. Improperly posedness arises for the
backward heat equation
. Physically the backward heat
equation is the heat equation solved backwards in time.
Mathematically, the backward heat equation takes the form
Note that the backward heat equation is equivalent to solving the normal heat equation forwards in time, but with a negative heat conduction coefficient. A negative heat conduction coefficient violates the second law of thermodynamics, so it is not really surprising that you get into trouble with the mathematics.
Suppose that you take the temperature profile at time
1 in the
figure above as the initial condition for the backward heat equation.
Then you compute the solution of the backward heat equation up to
1. That should give you back the singular temperature profile
at time zero. And it will, if you manage to do it exactly. The
backward heat equation has a unique solution for the chosen initial
condition in the interval from
0 to
But now suppose that you use the singular profile at time zero as
the initial condition for the backward heat equation. Then you try
again to compute the solution of the backward heat equation up to
1. It will not work. You will not be able to find a
solution for any value of
greater than zero. The reason is
easy to understand. Suppose that you did find a solution
1. Physically that would be a temperature distribution
in the bar at time
. But if a temperature distribution
at time
existed, even a singular one, then the
temperature distribution would be smooth for all times greater than
. The heat equation smooths away singularities. But the solution
at times greater than
is not nonsingular, because
we know it is singular at time zero. So a solution at time
simply not exist.
Now let’s return to the problem that did have a unique
solution. That was when we started the backward heat equation
solution from the smooth temperature profile at
1. There is still
a major physical problem with the solution. Physically, (and also in
typical numerical solutions), the initial profile will not be exact to
infinitely many digits at all locations. There will always some
error. Suppose in particular that the actual profile has a very
slight kink. It can be so tiny that you cannot see the error in the
profile under a microscope if you plot it versus the exact one. But
if there is a kink, there is no longer a solution to the backward wave
equation. There cannot be a solution at earlier times if there is a
singularity, however invisible the kink may be.
In physics your data, here being the temperature profile, are never truly exact. So you have no way of saying which one is the right answer, the unique solution or a complete lack of any solution at all. If the data have any imperfection, it is the latter.
The bottom line is that even though the backward heat equation can have unique solutions for some problems, these solutions are only meaningful if you have a problem that is mathematically exact. So the initial/boundary-value problem for the backward heat equation is improperly posed. Even though it may have unique solutions.
The pure initial-value problem is similarly improperly posed.
A typical improperly posed problem for the Laplace equation is shown
in figure 18.4. Physically, it might correspond to heat
conduction in a rectangular plate. For mathematical convenience, the
horizontal size of the plate has been rescaled to length .
What is wrong in figure 18.4 is that both the temperature
and the heat flow are specified at the lower boundary
0. That is
wrong because the Laplace equation needs exactly one boundary
condition at each point of the boundary, not two. It is also wrong
that no boundary condition at all is given on the top boundary
Mathematically speaking, you might say that figure 18.4 is
an initial / boundary-value problem for the Laplace equation, with
playing the part of time. And initial / boundary-value problems
for the Laplace equation are not allowed. Note however that figure
18.4 would be perfectly fine if the partial differential
equation was
instead of
. That would be a wave equation with a unit wave velocity,
and initial/boundary-value problems are just what you want for wave
equations. In short, a single sign in the partial differential
equation makes all the difference.
The primary problem with initial/boundary-value problems for the
Laplace equation is that they do not meet the third requirement for
properly posedness. The effect of small changes in the data on the
solution can be much larger than the small changes. For the example
figure 18.4, that should be taken to mean that the
solution inside the plate can be much larger than the given value
at the lower boundary.
That can be seen as follows. Consider the following type of solution:
Now note that the data
, the values of , are no
greater than 1 in magnitude. On the other hand, in the interior of
the plate,
can reach values up to
. For any given
value of
that is a finite number. But there is no universal
bound to it. You can make
as large as you want by just
large enough. The value of
is only about 1.5,
is already about
. In short, the size of
can exceed the size of
by any arbitrarily large factor.
Show that the given solution
For the Laplace equation
separation of variablessolution is
Fourier coefficients
Check this solution.
Can you immediately see that this separation of variables solution is probably no good?
For the Laplace equation
The separation of variables
solution for this problem is
Fourier coefficients
Plot this separation of variables solution for
0 and for a few values greater than zero like
0.25. Then comment on whether a solution
exists at
0 and for
This example should illustrate that typical improperly posed problems might have solutions if the data are perfectly smooth and their Taylor series have finite radii of convergence. But if there is a singularity, like the kink in the triangular profile, all bets are off.
You might know that if you talk about instability of ordinary differential equations, you wonder about what happens to the solution for infinite time. But in this problem you do not let the time” coordinate
go to infinity. The problem is not large
, but large “wave number
. The large wave number problem is really unique to partial differential equations. (If you had a system of infinitely many ordinary differential equations, you might also run into it.)
Include your code, if any.
Continuing the previous question, show analytically that for the supposed solution
Also show analytically that at the halfway point
, the values that you get while summing increase monotonically to infinity.
Show that the Laplace equation
Explain the lack of solution in physical terms. To do so, consider this a steady heat conduction problem, with the temperature, and the gradient of
the scaled heat flux.
Generalize the derivation to determine the requirement that
Show that if the Poisson equation
A typical improperly posed problem for the wave equation is shown in
figure 18.5. Physically, it might correspond to
transverse vibrations of a string over a finite time interval. For
mathematical convenience, the length of the string has been rescaled
to length . Also, the time has been rescaled to eliminate the
wave speed
from the wave equation. The scaled final time has
been written as
, again for mathematical convenience, but the
value of
can be anything.
What is wrong in figure 18.5 is that instead of specifying the initial position and velocity of the string, the initial and final position of the string are given. That is wrong because the wave equation is an evolution equation. It requires initial conditions, not final conditions.
Mathematically speaking, you might say that figure 18.5
is an boundary-value problem for the wave equation, with playing
the part of a spatial coordinate. Boundary-value problems for the
wave equation are not allowed. Note however that figure
18.5 would be perfectly fine if the partial differential
equation was
0 instead of
0. That would be the Laplace equation, and boundary-value problems
are just what you want for the Laplace equation. In short, a single
sign in the partial differential equation makes all the difference.
The given problem has special solutions of the form
The reason for the fact that figure 18.5 produces an
improperly posed problem depends on the value of . Consider first
the possibility that
is a rational number. A rational number is a
number that can be written as
For such a rational , the solution to the problem figure
18.5 is not unique. The quickest way to see that is to
take the function
in the given problem zero. Then one solution
to the problem is obviously
0. So any nonzero solution means that
the solution is not unique. And you get a nonzero solution by taking
or any whole multiple of
in the special solutions
given above.
Since the solution is not unique, the problem violates the second condition for properly posed problems.
Not all numbers are rational numbers, however. In fact, in some sense
there are infinitely many more irrational numbers than rational ones.
One simple example is . Irrational numbers can however be
approximated to arbitrary accuracy by rational ones. For example,
to 10 digits accuracy:
The same way, any irrational value is arbitrarily close to
rational ones, and for rational ones the problem figure
18.5 is improperly posed. So surely you would not expect
the boundary value problem to be properly posed for an irrational
value. What happens in this case is that the criterion 3 for properly
posedness is violated. Consider again the special solutions above.
In the interior of the rectangle, the solution
clearly has magnitude 1. (Or something comparable to 1, if you want
to use an average magnitude as measure.) The data
however have magnitude
. So,
if you can find values for
that make
small, you have shown that criterion 3 is violated. The magnitude of
would be much larger than the magnitude of
. Try solving the
corresponding homework question only if you are really good in math.
Finally, you might argue that initial/boundary-value problems are not
really required for the wave equation. Since appears in the
wave equation exactly like
does, surely you should be able to
provide two
initial conditions
0 instead of
0. And provide one
boundary condition
and one
boundary condition
. Physically
that is not an initial/boundary-value problem; it might be called an
initial/final/single-doubled-boundary-value problem.
You have a good point there. The stated problem is indeed properly
posed, as you say. However, that trick only works in
one-spatial dimension. For the wave equation in two spatial
initial conditionsat
Show that the given solution
How about twice that solution? Ten times? How about if
? How about if
? So how many solutions are there really to this single problem?
For the brave. Show without peeking at the solution that the problem for irrational is improperly posed by showing that you can make