The main new thing is a correction in section 6.23 on
Semiconductors. In the detailed explanation of how n-type
semiconductors work, I wrote somewhere “conduction
band” where I meant valence band.
This of
course does not improve clarity. Even after fixing, I thought the
discussion was still confusing, so I rewrote the corresponding
paragraphs from scratch.
Mainly rewrites of Hartree-Fock derivation {D.54}. If I cannot follow my own reasoning, it is pretty bad.
Rewrote section 9.1.1 for readability. Also rewrote addendum {A.7}. Other minor rewrites.
Reposting because an (ununderstood) latex2html bug appeared out of
nothing with the (tricky) way 1
Rewrote the introductory Hartree-Fock section 9.3.1 to be more readable and more independent of earlier chapters. Expanded on the description of Hartree-Fock correlation energy in and its note N.18. Incomplete, but I am posting it now because I found and fixed some ugly errors.
Corrected a typo
In Multiple-Particle Systems:
In the periodic table, added the recently assigned names for element numbers 113, 115, 117, 118. Now every element in the table has a real name.
In Macroscopic systems:
Completely rewrote note N.9 explaining how band gaps
arise if you add a bit of a periodic potential to the free electron
gas. Corrected “the crystal spacing is a half-integer
multiple of the [Bragg] wave lengths” into “double the
atom spacing is a whole multiple of the wave lengths”.
seems to exclude “whole
In Time Evolution:
Cleaned up the links in the pdf to the animations on the web. Also, weblinks now go to the same server as the pdf is downloaded from.
Completely rewrote addendum A.17 on the virial theorem, as I now expect I will need it when I cover density functional theory.
In Classical and Quantum Thermodynamics:
More rewrites in Specific Heats
In Nuclei:
Added the
Showed the nuclear decay processes first in a “Chart of the
Nuclides” )
Explained how the
In subsection 14.5.1, added a graph showing half-lifes in addition to the nuclear decay processes.
Changed spin colors to make the individual spins easier to recognize.
Left out the unused colors in the legends for the same reason.
In the spin plots, nuclei whose spin has reservations are now shown in the expected color instead of yellow, with a light check mark (a cross if none yet). That increases information content a lot. All nuclei now get a mark in the spin plots except those with unknown spin (yellow squares). Added a mark for nuclei in which an imperfect odd-nucleon model lowers the spin by one unit.
For the parity plots, used light colors instead of yellow crosses to
indicate which parities with reservations are predicted OK or not.
In the odd-even respectively even-odd parity graphs, shell model
parity lines are now only shown at the odd-even, respectively
even-odd locations. Both sets of odd-
In the beta decay rate plots, added the stable nuclei to fill in the holes with known data.
In gamma decay, I converted subsection N.36 into a note. Which it should always have been, as it is not part of standard theory but an hypothesis. Also rewrote it quite a bit to improve the presentation.
Corrected molecular mass
in “The New
Variables” into molar mass
. Cannot complain
about others if I do it myself.
Yes, I need to get back to doing some more serious writing on this book.
wefrom the notations. More rewriting of {A.9}. Added Flerovium and Livermorium to the periodic table. Corrected some errors pointed out by kind readers.
Various corrections of this version were posted the next few days. They only differ in formatting of the index and notations. Also some very minor editing, part of which may not have been posted. But now the formatting problems really seem fixed. I hope.
Please note that surely ten thousands of small changes have been made. Some are bound to have introduced a problem, especially in formatting. I do think the esthetics of the web pages has been improved tremendously. Even more so for Internet Explorer, I guess. (But I use linux.)
Added note: the zipped version of this date has some minor format corrections, but also an error fix in {D.22} (which still needs more work.)
Added note: unfortunately, now the index looks like hell.
intervalin special relativity to be author-dependent. Due to a program error, in the comparison of gamma decay with data the program was actually selecting the nuclei to be as much the same as possible, instead of as much different as possible. It has been corrected. Not that it makes much of a visual difference. The text has been rewritten a bit too. In the
cage of Faradayproposal, stupid me forgot about measured electromagnetic moments. That seems to kill off Meisner pretty well. It has been rewritten.
cage of Faradayproposal a bit.
missingE0 transition.
stationary,rather than
least.Dropped claim obtained from Internet of no population inversion for semiconductor lasers. Gee. Major rewrite of the first half of time evolution.
Additional Topicsin the addenda notes. Made relativity a separate Part. Minor rewrites in the intro to nuclei.
except hydrogenand
except helium.Rewrote the subsection on ionic conduction.
quantum literacy.Added a chapter on nuclei. Added sections and tables on angular momentum of shells. Alpha decay has been moved to the new chapter on nuclei. Forbidden decays are now included. Various program improvements/tuning. Corrected
effectivemass (for a two-body system) into
reduced.Added a chapter on macroscopic systems to Part II. Much of this chapter has been scavenged from Part III. It is supposed to provide some more practical knowledge in various areas. It was inspired by the DIS mentioned above, which showed you cannot do much of Part III in a single semester. The semiconductor discussion in the chapter is all new.
time-dependent perturbation theory,read emission and absorption of radiation. Earlier versions just had a highly condensed version since I greatly dislike the derivations in typical textbooks that are full of nontrivial assumptions for which no justification is, or can be, given at all.
advanced,chapter on basic and quantum thermodynamics. An advanced section on the fundamental ideas underlying quantum field theory has also been added. The discussion of the lambda transition of helium versus Bose-Einstein condensation has been rewritten to reflect the considerable uncertainty. Uniqueness has been added to the note on the hydrogen molecular ion ground state properties. Added a missing
notes.No more need for loading an interminable web page of 64 notes all at the same time over your phone line to read 20 words. It also corrects a few errors, one important one pointed out by Johann Joss. It also also extends some further griping about correlation energy to all three web locations. You may surmise from the lack of progress that I have been installing Linux on my home PC. You are right.
twilight termshas been substituted for
exchange terms.Many minor changes.
There are some additions on Born-Oppenheimer and the variational formulation that were in the Hartree-Fock section, but that I took out, since they seemed to be too general to be shoved away inside an application. Also rewrote section 5.7 and subsection 5.9.2 to be consistent, and in particular in order to have a single consistent notation. Zero point energy (the vacuum kind) is back. What the heck.
article” to the “bookstyle.
Part I is a draft.
Part II is mostly in a fairly good shape. But there are a few recent additions that probably could do with another look. Of course, fairly good is not the same as good. Chapter 7 is poor.
In Part III various parts sure could do with a few more rewrites. For example, the thermodynamics chapter is quite embarrassing. The chapter on nuclei is an incomplete absolute mess.
The shape of addenda and notes is pretty much like their root chapters.
Somewhat notably missing at this time: