082514 Fundamental concepts. Continuum assumption. |
082714 Vectors and matrices. Stress tensor. |
082914 Tensor analysis. Diagonalization. |
090314 Deformation rate tensor. Incompressibility. |
090514 Constitutive Relation |
090814 Control masses. Integral conservation laws. Control volumes. |
091014 Control volumes, simple and non simple. |
091214 Control volumes. CV determination of drag. Momentum thickness. |
091514 Finite Volume method. |
091714 Boundary conditions. Pointwise continuity from FV. |
091914 Differential conservation laws. |
092214 Lagrangian/Eulerian. Flow lines. |
092414 Navier Stokes equations. Incompressible flow. Kinetic pressure. |
092614 Energy equations; conservative, mechanical, and thermal. The 2nd law. |
092914 Euler equations. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Similarity. |
100114 Non-dimensional parameters. |
100314 Buckingham Pi Theorem. Stokes flow around a spher. |
100614 Exact solutions: plane Poiseuille flow. |
100814 Plane Poiseuille flow. Couette flow. |
101014 Poiseuille pipe flow. Elliptic and triangular pipes. |
101314 Midterm Review. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. |
101514 Centripetal acceleration. Bernoulli laws. Major head loss. |
101714 Minor head losses. Entrance effects. Normal pressure gradients. |
Head loss.
[PDF] |
102414 Midterm discussion. Stokes first problem. |
Stokes' first problem.
[PDF] |
102714 Stokes 1st problem. Similarity solutions. Oseen vortex. |
103114 Kelvin, Kutta-Joukowski, Stokes theorems. Vortex intensification. Preservation of irrotational flow. |
110314 Helmholtz laws. Vortex system of a wing. |
110514 Biot-Savart. Vortex motion. Induced drag. |
110714 Ideal flows. Velocity potential.
Streamfunction. [PDF] |
111014 Circular cylinder potential. Interpretation of the streamfunction. Potential flow Bernoulli law. |
111214 Complex potential. Uniform flow. Source/Sink. |
Vortex. Shifts. Superposition and
Magnus effect. Corners. |
111714 Superposition. 2D Rankine bodies. Conformal mapping. Plates, ellipses, Joukowski airfoils. Kutta condition. |
111914 Boundary layer variables, equations, boundary conditions. |
112114 Blasius boundary layer for a semi-infinite flush plate. |
112414 Boundary layer thicknesses. Displacement effect. Separation. |
120114 Review. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. |
120314 Reynolds average. Reynold stress. Energy cascade. Kolmogorov scales. PDF |
120514 Inertial range. Free shear flows. (Wall bounded flows in the linked notes.) PDF |